This film gets a bad rap. Forget the the naysayers. It deserves another watch. It's a taut thriller that gets you by the balls and refuses to let go. Owen Wilson (yes, the voice of Lightning McQueen) plays Jack Dwyer an expat engineer taking a contract in South East Asia. The country is plunged into civil war and all westerners are summarily executed. But, it's Wilson who is the stand-out here. He takes this role on as a master of his craft, as his character takes on the role of a father who WILL die for his children. It does make you wonder why Wilson doesnt take on more roles like this. The film also stars Lake Bell, Sterling Jerins, Claire Geare and of course Pierce Brosnan. The director managed to wrench every piece of acting chops out of this stellar cast and you can see it. It's right there up on the screen.