Personally I didn't see the genius. It was a predictable my life was a lie ending as is typical of dystopian fictions. I felt like some of the scenes dragged on in slo-mo and like another reviewer said, I couldn't quite place the movie in a genre. You get a battlefield in the beginning and then a Charlie and the chocolate factory feel towards the middle when they enter the children's compartments. Prolonged at that, I didn't know whether to laugh or be concerned. Misplaced efforts at Humor. I think it was a mediocre movie storyline considered. Visual effects are great or so am told. Admittedly they are. But I think the movie had far more potential and some essentials questions have to be answered like where did the fricking kids go? What sort of trade happens where and how. And the tail section didn't seem to be working or anything . They did seem to be getting the shorter end of the deal but what is the deal? People on board, first class included can't have inexhaustible source of income. So what is the economy? How do they pay? And doesn't the glass ever get frozen over? I feel like many questions went unanswered. In my opinion, an okay movie