This is a major documentary that shows the direct relationship between the development of modern economic systems and the crash in wild mammalian populations produced by them. The importance of the protection of wilderness and wild species to the reality of our future existence (all 7.6 billion of us today) as the dominant predator on this planet is clearly and shockingly portrayed in this amazing work. If we can learn to protect the amazing diversity of life on this planet from our voracious appetite and unchecked consumption of material resources then we might be able to slow down the headlong warming of this planet that our insatiable lifestyles are rapidly causing. Runaway global warming could easily be less than 20 years in our future. This is a fact that is now accepted even by the majority in the most intellectually backward nation on the planet, the US. It's time to dump Trump and all his anti-life policies and go into the future working with the rest of earth's governments to eliminate our fossil fuel fed habits of over-consumption and de-wilding of the planet. As a US citizen and an analytical chemist I am certain that my own country is the major cause of our climate crisis today so I am very grateful to Patagonia for this film's great telling of the underlying truth of our current global climate and extinction crisis.