Just asking is anybody else concerned about Bloomberg's commercial stating he used his own money to get 21 Democrats elected. I find this very disturbing especially since he seems to be manipulating them to do his bidding. This is wrong by any standards Basically he has admitted to interfering in elections that should not concern him. He does not live in those communities. Also it seems to me that he is the poster child for white privilege and using his status to change the outcome of elections. Whoa sound familiar ?? Why is nobody talking about this? People of America pay attention. I used to be a democrat until I woke up and saw what is really going on. My wife would like to see them all watch the Mr. Rogers movie before they start their day off with hate speech. They are not helping their country. In fact they need to do their job and actually do some good. Maybe they'll all feel a little better about themselves. Did you see the face of Senator Patty Murray opening day? Not a good look. She looks old and mean girl looking. By the way I believe in term limits. She and others like her need to stand down and retire. God help us all.