I thought it was amazing and well done. It left a pit in my stomach after watching because it's so realistic. We don't learn anything about the grabber but it doesn't matter to me since most kidnapped children don't know them and that's whose eyes we are looking through. I think the scares were very well done and the story was amazing. Im glad the kids got justice. I don't think it's worth telling the Grabber's story since it'll paint a narrative of who kidnappers are. Anyone can be a kidnapper so some story of him being hurt, abused etc doesn't matter. People can have a perfect life and just be sick. I think this is a good movie for kids to learn to be cautious, not walk alone. What upset me the the constant leaving alone, but this happens irl. Many kidnappings but parents still don't bother taking their kids or setting up plans with other parents so no kids goes home alone. The movie was very realistic in that aspect. I also don't think the other kids needed a backstory. I had a strong amount of sympathy for them regardless.