It took me a day to decide how I felt about this remake. What I finally arrived at was not to view it as a *remake*. I let it be on it's own. No, it wasn't the book. Movies never are.
I wasn't familiar with any of the actors except for Whoopie and Greg, so that was helpful to avoid character stigma.
I thought it was well acted, and the characters were more complex in subtle ways. This isn't a superficial movie series. It bears some examination of how the characters were originally written, how the screenplay was written, and how they were interpreted by the actors and director. I felt it came across in a different facet than the first series. Yes, there was some disconnection in a couple of the characters. I forgave that. Reworking the Lincoln Tunnel part? I don't know about that one.
I noticed that they were really diverse with casting. It's a good beginning for what should be.
Overall, I thought it was well done, and the similarities with what real life has been the past few years is the only reason I'm not in a hurry to watch it again.
I do have to say that for television entertainment, it left plenty of room for considerate thought and reflection, because everything wasn't blatantly on the surface. Like the book, this series required a little effort on my part.