To Project red, stop taking blame for the game issues. Its a great game, yes it has bugs, but most games have ridiculous bugs. Its a shame people can't be adults about a freaking game thats still fun to play. The saddest part is the "media" and the "critics". Grow up. You're jeopardizing peoples jobs to get your 20 seconds of fame for shaking your finger at a game developer over bugs. I've watched 6 different YouTube streamers live gameplay and other than the minor glitches they have been posting great gameplay. Put yourselves to better use than complaining about an 80 dollar video game and maybe spend the same amount of energy helping someone else during this world crisis. Theres a big company of people who have families, they're doing a job the best they can. I play on ps4, game definitely has glitches, but I am still loving the gameplay.
Thank you project red for this game. Its fantastic. It has so many great mechanics and story telling that it has great replayability. Don't listen to the people who have nothing nice to say.