Want to play a game where developers constantly want your money, they throw away their game in order to make money off of you, their br system is really bad it made many people quit, also their repair costs were really bad, when people suggest changes their game, they constantly ignore it, this game is isn’t utilized properly on console, even if you had a good pc the game is a pain in the butt, they make premiums constantly to force you to buy them since playing the game makes you suffer a lot, it got to the point where people lay down money on this game to satisfy themselves however they realize it’s not going to satisfy them, their have been bugs that exist in the game including ghost shells that they constantly said they fixed but still haven’t, this game is absolutely bad, but many others including me are tired of their bs, but it’s soo annoying to leave or uninstall since they make it really addicting to play, last but not least if you want to play a game that ruins your life, adds on to your depression and doesn’t make sense play war thunder, you’ll love how the developers treat you (sarcasm) ….