It sucked.
The narration is lazy and the character don't have depth. The big topics as abuse are treated poorly and basically everything is solved with a song.
The MC is flawless and just too naive about the world.
The conflict between the characters doesn't exist at all and the problem are presented directly by the characters.
The point of the show isn't clear and no one knows how to get it.
The design are poor too and lack of clarity, most of the times the characters can't be seen cous a lack of contrast with the back ground.
The show is full of errors in the continuity and in general I had better expectations from a show that would rappresentante indie animation.
The language used in the show is extremely voulgar making it look like all the characters are like preschoolers who learnd a new slur and now they repeat it to look cool looking almost child like.
The show is supposed to be for adults but clearly it just attract young impressionable people as I can see in the review.
The pilot was good I hope in case of a next season they'll take more time to review the plot.