I don't know how many time I should write review about the legality of relationship. Now the characters Raghavan and his mother are showing in such a way that gives wrong signal to wrong doers. Why don't the director stop this serial when he can't think any other innovative way. Any women activists please do something to stop this serial and I don't know how vijay tv is running still with cheap rated directors as well as audience
As a soap opera it is better than other but director has to understand the legality of relationships and I hope director will take it correctly
Actually Kadambari is victim but showing as antogonist while Karthik is actually a villain but showing as hero especially when he married two women for his selfishness. Even people think by way we can see the reviews Karthik as great and to that extent for the sake of trp director is showing scenes that kadhambari and her family is creating unnecessary antogonism and also if he at any point of time bring scenes that Shruti is daughter of Raghav then it may show how perverted minded director he is, because voluntarily he introduced the scene of brutal rape a day before marriage which is ridiculous and that does not mean that Shruti is daughter of Raghav and that will again prove he is not good in mind as well as in brain (science)
Nowadays the serial reversed with Sruthi what it showed with Kadambari vs sakthi and now it is turn if Swarna vs Sruthi
Idiotic director and it is waste to write review as these director will not change