I love Selena since I was little, it saddens me that this was so bad representation of her life. I miss her! I wish she were still with us so she can tell her story of rags to riches rather than just her family’s perspective. Glad they tried, but they should have just made an updated movie. This show was so white washed! Mexican Americans know when how our households are and they made Abraham seem super nice when we all know he was super tough, and nothing like that. Whitewash all over this show, And didn’t feel and ounce of Mexican characteristics. The actor didn’t study Selena’s dance moves, she barley danced on stage and had limited personality. Really disappointed in how they didn’t get all perspective of everyone who knew her like Chris who was married to her. I’ll go back to read his book cause this tv series was bad. I feel like they didn’t even know her like Chris did, if you read Chris book she couldn’t do nothing on her own. This tv series focused on ab and her father when they hyped it up to be about Selena. I would rather they didn’t make the second part, seemed they are not doing her story any justice if you don’t have Chris as part of this writing.