I've never heard of or seen a black elf , hobbit or black dwarf before, wow just WOW, I laughed so hard when I saw it, trying to imagine the possibility but just couldn't ðŸ˜
Also is it just me or do alot of the elves look like gay kids from the streets, what a mockery that's for sure. Hobbits look like retarted children. And during the siege on the elves, what a total joke 🤣 elves running like stupid humans and pushing eachother over with no order or intelligence. They are definitely trying to make elves look bad.
LOTR elves in Peters films were best elves I've ever seen. Not this mockery tv series. Also the elves act like 2 year olds fighting over candy, and or always arguing, not how an elf would act that's for sure. Unbelievable.
Pros are, amazing sound track, CGI and high quality photog, better be for a billion dollars lol.
I could go on alot longer but just keep reading the bad reviews, anything I haven't said somebody else probably said it.