Every game that I play I do a lot of research on before hand (learnt this through blind hypes and the tended games that isn't to my liking) , so in todays life "games" are always compared to other "games" (kind of pisses me off) , gamers today are to spoilt and are spoon fed , want too be a space ninja where you can jump while jumping play Warframe , want a dark medieval feel and die every step play Dark Souls , yes this game gives off the same atmosphere of both games , warframe environment / character feel and dark souls mechanics , but this game is neither of the 2 and quite brilliant , the difficulty is set for a challenge from the start and exploration of each level is a must for those extra goodies to pick up , artwork of the mobs/bosses are unique and brilliant , if you want to fight different monsters while playing each combat experience please inform me which game actually doesn't have duplicates , this game is a trial and error basis set with death penalties (Death = losing current xp gained, but can be regained through your corpse) plus you get to battle your zombie self which is awesome lol , play the game with a open mind , it's either for you or not , embrace hardship times but games shouldn't be easy right?? , I recommend this gem for people that want to sink their time for a challange and to enjoy the artwork and awesome scifi horror atmosphere. For me it's 10/10