Yup yup...Shep is really gone to the hard left I feel he has 80 to 90% negative news of President Trump, never covers the good economy we are having etc..I voted for the first turn of President Obama but I lost much of my small business earning during the Obama years. I am an independent voter with a business that before the Obama administration had 32 employees. During the next 8 years I lost much of my business due to regulations. The worst year was 2015 to 2016, I was forced to get rid of most of my remaining 21 employees. I ended up closing shop in August 2016. When the President Trump administration came on board I was able to borrow from my bank and since I am up 70% of what I had before the Obama administration. I think the lack of talk in the Shepard Smith reporting news program of the good economy is the reason why I do not watch that news program....fake news!