It just sucked! I don't care who wrote, directed, or produced it. The movie sucked. I waited for it to get better and it didn't. I can't believe Julia Roberts took the role.
The ocean liner, the plane crash, and all the animals for special effects were odd. It was as though the writer thought it needed some action so we'll throw this in since cyber attacks would affect these things. Then the writer ran out of funds or time and just abruptly ended it. Rosie all by herself in the safe zone watching her show. How convenient, the final episode of "Friends" on the DVD on the shelf waiting for her. It would take a special kind of intelligence to really give this a thumbs up.
The only thing I liked was that basement fully stocked shelter! I have always believed we are too dependent on technology and do believe there will be a day we will suffer from cyber attacks. We already have. It is just not severe enough to broadcast.