Apex Legends is phenomenal. It's one of my favorite video games, and they're still adding new things even in Season 8, such as the 2 Year Anniversary Event. They don't seem like they're gonna run out of ideas soon, and that's a good thing. I don't want this game to go away, There are some changes that can be made, however.
1. Character like Mirage and Octane need to have abilities that can benefit their own team. I mainly use Octane and Wattson, but I drift towards Wattson while playing Ranked because her abilities benefit the team. One idea for Octane is to either change or re-work his Ultimate ability. His jump-pad isn't really useful, even with the power to double-jump, and to control how far or high you go on it. A cool idea would be to automatically get the Stim boost after launching, which could work for other members of the team, too. Your team wouldn't even have to take damage from it like Octane does. Another idea would be that if anyone on his team used his jump-pad, they automatically get passive healing until back at full health, and Octane gets 2x passive healing. This would benefit the team by making a quick and easy getaway from an enemy team, and having a chance to recover some lost health as well. What if an enemy used his jump-pad? What if they took damage from it similar to the amount of a thermite grenade or a Caustic trap? This would put the enemy at a disadvantage if they were to pursuit your team.
I only have one simple idea for Mirage. He should be able to make clones of his teammates. Simply put, the enemy might already suspect something if a Mirage just starts walking out in the open. He should also be able to make clones of teammates using their abilities. Maybe he can make the illusion of Wraith using her Tactical Ability by making a violet-trail in one direction. Maybe he can copy a Caustic trap if he has a Caustic on his team, which can block enemies from entering a certain area. Maybe he can make a fake Pathfinder zip-line, or a fake Wattson fence and a Wattson Interception Pylon. The ideas are endless. Just please make Mirage useful. He deserves it.
2. The micro-transaction store is kind of ridiculous. $7 for an Anniversary Apex Pack? Oh, I ALMOST forgot that EA has a part in this.
3. When adding a new feature to the game, primarily when a new season comes out, don't be afraid to push back deadlines to make sure everything works properly. I would much rather wait a little longer for a new season than have to deal with another Season Six Spectator Glitch where you can see the character models from the inside.. Ugh. The Wraith eyeballs are still in my nightmares.
4. For the love of god, please nerf Gibraltar. Lifeline was obsolete for a long time due to him being able to fast-rez in his dome shield.
5. Wraith's tactical nerf is way too long. It almost defeats the whole purpose of her tactical. It's supposed to be used as a get-out-of-jail free card, or at least it was, but having 1-2 seconds before she can use it means she can easily get gunned down before she has the chance. And even if she lives she can easily be tracked down and killed due to the low health from her standing out in the open waiting for the tactical to activate. Also, her not being able to use her Ultimate for as long while outside of the zone. It prevents her from being as good at rotations as she used to.
But hey, these are just my 2 cents, or 5 cents.