Cliche, choppy, and incongruous. Came to the movie theaters very excited after seeing the amazing trailer and although the special effects, fight scenes, and action all manifested themselves with characteristic spectacularity of a Mission Impossible movie, the plot, script, and chain of events were lackluster, incoherent, and erratic. This movie felt, in a sense, forced, with the acting and diegesis a bit over the top and terribly banal. Despite a handful of well made scenes, characters, lines, and plots, the movie was surprisingly disappointing and I don’t recommend it - especially to anyone expecting to see a classic, light, action-packed movie. The overly complicated Entity that is the “villain” of the movie particularly attenuates the charisma that besets every other Mission Impossible and the spirit of a classic Ethan Hunt adventure is curtailed by characters, plots, and a script barren of the qualities so prominently exhibited in the previous movies.