Awful movie. Child actors had no magic, carrisma, monotone, unemotional and serious throughout.. the girl acted like an 18 year old but was meant to be like 10. She just stands in every scene with her arms by her sides. No enthusiasm from the boy either like o wow, how amazing I'm actually seeing a flying elephant, but rather o that's nice, next scene. There's a part of the movie which seems so disjointed which looks like theres a w but that was cut out accidently. I cant stand Tim Burtons general style of creating dark films. It was like the entire film besides the sunset scenes were all shot in shadows. No colour, no magic, just dark scenes everywhere. No humour, no songs, just loud orchestra music whilst dumbo flies. Storyline was bad in my opinion. Not a kids movie at all. All the people who rave about how good this film is have either forgotten or never seen real Disney magic. Yet again it shows how uncreative Disney is becoming by creating remakes of things that don't even need to be remade. Why can't they spend the possibly 100 computer cgi creators used to create dumbo to make up an original storyline instead. Nonsense can't go amiss such as when Firth climbs up the vertical circus tent pulling himself up with one hand on a pole as his other arm is an amputee but then he cuts through the tent using a knife to let dumbo out.. I know a flying elephant requires a bit of imagination but pulling yourself with one hand and then pulling out a knife with one hand and standing on a vertical tent.. that's just not even logical. Burton uses his magic again however to create an interesting trailer which is so lovely and bright, with colourful scenes and shots of things which don't even transpire. Such as the mouse.. there isn't even a mouse in the real film. The trailer shows shots of things you remember from the original, the pink elephants scene, dumbo meeting his mum holding trunks etc so you get a sense from the trailer that this movie is a copy of the original story board and just a revamp but none of this actually transpires well in the film. Its a shame how people will go to watch this movie like I did just because they want to relive their childhood memories but it sadly doesn't. Shame they have to recreate aladdin, and lion king this way. Watch, in years to come our kids will be watching Frozen being played by real actors and a virtual reality olef snowman and then we'll all be thinking the same then how unoriginal Disney is. 1* out of 5