Metal Lords (#Netflix, 2022) is a teen film that meets all the clichés of the genre, although perhaps in a slightly different way than usual. The bullies are the same as always and the protagonists, as usual, are marginalized for the simple fact of not being the same as the rest. One more reiteration to the reflection on how much work remains to be done on the issue of diversity.
Perhaps the only slightly different characters are the teachers and the parents, much less authoritarian than in Back to The Future or Teen Wolf, both from 1985. In 37 years a lot has changed (I think mostly for the better), the way people understands parenthood.
Despite the fact that it does not pose absolutely any narrative innovation, it is a film that can be seen very easily, especially for those of us who are metal fans.
The film is closely related to School of Rock (2004) and High Fidelity (2000). Here, Tom Morello, Kirk Hammett, Rob Halford and Scott Ian make a very funny cameo as an epiphany-moral soaked in water.
The best, without a doubt, is its soundtrack, which takes us to the classic metal of the 70's and perhaps even the late 80's. Especially noteworthy is War Pigs (1970), by Black Sabbath, of which a very good cover is made.
My only concern is this hole in the script: Really, dude? Do you consider yourself a metalhead and have never heard of Apocalyptica?