I’m not sure what’s up with the reviews but I’m having fun. I’ve been playing it solo as the chick with the pet robot. I’m 10 hours in and I’ve had fun each play session. I like the story and their lore of where vampires came from. The open world is great with lots of cool places to explore. I’m not sure why a lot of reviews say the world is empty because that hasn’t been my experience. I’ve had fun with the side missions as well liberating the safe houses.
Definitely if you have gamepass and like these sort of games, RPG/shooters, then check it out. Don’t let the reviewer ruin it for you. It’s nowhere near as bad as they make it out to be although it does have some jank to it such as the AI but it’s all stuff that can be patched out.
I’d give it an 7.7 out of 10. I give it a 5 here to offset the review bombs.
I’ve been playing on PC. My systems specs are 7900xt with a 5800x3d, 32 gigs of 3600 DDR4 and an SSD with an 8.4 gig read speed.