Loved the first game immensely and I haven't played a game in a long time that was so ambitious with it's narrative, so what if it made me uncomfortable in parts, that's good and it's doing what was intended. I liked that it wasn't trying to be the first game and was attempting to be its own thing. Joel's death wasn't dignified but why does it have to be? Death rarely is and it felt more believable this way. Game of Thrones tore my heart out several times with character deaths and I still loved it.
I agree that the story was a little clunky in parts and yes there were a few plot holes and they could have pushed Abby's character further in getting me to invest more emotionally in her but I was still drawn to her side more as Ellie's. Ellie just seemed dumb to continue but she's stunted emotionally and it makes sense for her flawed character to keep making the same mistakes/decisions. Also good to see female leads that aren't over sexualised or playing the 'damsel in distress'.
This game was daring and progressive in a world that asks for that but rarely appreciates it when it gets it.