Enough -What matters and are invaluable
2.Family and Friends
3.Being loved by those you want to love you
4.Freedom and Independence
Key take aways
1.Risk and Luck play a key part in success and failure..Hence do not judge..We are all crazy.
2.Time is a key factor in creating wealth,start early and be patient
3.Compounding interest over time makes the difference
4.Be liquid and avoid debt...
5.Know what is enough and preserve your happiness and reputation.
6.Survival...Be little paranoia in the midst of optimism.When planning give room for error (Margin of Safety )
7.Getting wealthy and staying wealthy are distinct... Know the difference.
Freedom means being flexible,more time to do what you are passionate about.Ability to wait for better opportunities.
Saves Money: Increase your saving rate by being humble and managing your ego.Do not spend to show off.
Why people take higher risk.