I shed a tear playing this game, if you didn't know i had stage 69 ligma in my balls i had to cut them off completly and as soon as i found out about this game they grew back i played and drove in the best quality driving/sim game i really thought this could save anyone if it worked for me i think this could be better than gta 100000000000000000000000000000000000 and the ak-47 as peppa became the quiet kid made me shed 2 tears my ball shave recovered now im really happy i hope the sequel adds more than just quandale dingus the thirteenth jr of the fith sr or the third junior of the ligma 💀👆. Absolute beautifully fufilled game anyone that says its "2 dollar graphics🤓👆" just cant get the game themself and feel this feeling i feel like everyone can agree that this game had the best racing game and sim game would reccomend 420/69