I do not dislike the movie. Or hate it. I'd say some aspects were good about it but I think that it was missing some points. Example: Magnifico's backstory wasn't elaborated on. In the movie he mentions how he doesn't want something to happen again, which then showed part of a flag or idk what it's called burnt. But it's never elaborated on what he's referring too.. it's a missing aspect of the story.
Another thing I think about the movie is that most of the songs sounded familiar or somewhat similar too Echanto, were is fine but lacks creativity. I think if some (keyword some) of the songs were changed a bit that the movie would have been better. But I also think they added to many songs at once.
Now what I liked about the movie. I genuinely enjoyed Star, he was such a cute little guy. I loved his little scene where he did a little spy cameo to go talk to the mouse to give the queen a message. Asha was a good character, I liked her determination the only issue was that she didn't care about other wishes until she found out her Grandfather's wish wasn't gonna be granted. Otherwise, I genuinely enjoyed her relationship with star and Valentino. Her personality was decent enough. She was also super gorgeous, I loved her character design. :)
I also loved the banter between the characters, and I think my favorite song through the whole movie was Asha's "I know now" I think that's what it's called? Lol. I loved it and found it amusing. I loved the Queens voice when she sang, and I enjoyed the ending where the villain has his powers, pinning everyone down in place to bow. It really showed his dark qualities. The scene where he goes into the staff reminded me of Princess of the Frog and Aladdin when the Voodoo man is dragged into a (I think it was a grave?) by the spirits. And for Jafar the scene where he was sucked into a lamp. It gave me genuine flashbacks to my childhood which I loved.
So too put it this is my review on it. I think kids will genuinely enjoy it. But teenagers, and adults (depending on their taste in Disney movies.) might not. But the movie wasn't all bad, but everyone will have different opinions on it.
I look forward to Disney's future movies with their other Disney princesses. I just hope next time they make better songs, because the ones on this movie weren't my favorite. But otherwise, I thought the movie was fairly good in some aspects.