Ludicrous. The writers would have me believe that a teenager in 1883 would bleach her brown hair yellow, ride a horse faster than a Comanche brave (yet dimwitted bandits can gain on her) play the Moonlight Sonata better than Beethoven (on an in-tune piano left on the trail by previous settlers), and can give soliloquies that would make the Bard cry or throw up, your choice. Really? Cheap, and hackneyed, stupid and soapy beyond belief, with bland characters straight out of a poorly imagined Hollywood/schoolgirl fantasy, 1883 is probably only for diehard Yellowstone fans who will enjoy the show despite it's glaring faults. My bf and I howl at the inconsistencies and the cheesy lines these characters are forced to regurgitate and which I can only tolerate for about 3 minutes a week. That's about all I can give the show, and only when I'm in need of some humor.