I watched Strong Female Lead on SBS a couple of nights ago. As at the time I was appalled at how Guillard was treated in her three years of PMinistership, I was just staggered again at the hatred, put downs, dismissal and outright pig rudeness of the other politicians, public comment, shock jocks, the media, etcetera...at that time. My god, even our great font of wisdom for womens rights...Germaine Greer....had a go at Julia's shape and clothing she wore. Women - screamed abuse along with the men, calling her absolutely outrageous names, while she kept a dignified distance from them, holding her wisdom, doing great things for the Australian people through legislation. Ie: Major policy initiatives of the Gillard Government included, the Clean Energy Bill 2011, asylum seeker policy, Mineral Resource Rent Tax, National Broadband Network, schools funding following the Gonski Review and the National Disability Insurance Scheme.
I think this film shows us Aussies (many, not all) what cu... we really are.