I absolutely Loved it. I took my son to the conclusion of films my own parents took me to see when I was quite small in the late 70's. Great visuals, good plot twists, great acting. ...However. I must post this as a warning to anyone 'old school' like me. Here goes: Here's what I will *Never* understand: If you can't suspend your tired, hater, bulls### disbelief; sit in a theater & enjoy space wizards wielding lazer swords - Then STAY HOME! Don't spend $10+ per ticket to sit in the same theater & attempt to Ruin it for everyone else! Fu##ing MADDENING. I aaaaalmost stood up & socked a punk in the mouth - & just shouldn't have to go thru that when I take my son to the movies. Fortunately "The Force" was strong around us & the idiots stormed out 3/4 of the way thru. Man ALIVE. The public used to respect the unspoken rule of common courtesy. I'm happy to report the "darkside" was defeated more than once during our theater outing -- but once again I had a reminder of why I don't go to the movies anymore. "..These times they are a 'change'n". ..