Tonight's show was fine until Don failed to listen to what Anthony Scaramucci was actually saying, and he continue playing the "devil's advocate." Scaramucci was trying to explain why many core Republicans are still so intent on supporting Trump. Rather than continuing to explore what Scaramucci was saying to get a better idea of how those folks feel the way they do, he went on the attack which helps none of us understand why there is a significant number of Trump supporters who have not changed their opinion and beliefs.
In my humble opinion, the Democratic party's failure to listen to the working class of the Midwest and the South lost the election for Hillary Clinton.
Don Lemon lost a wonderful opportunity to delve into possible revelation. Becoming indignant is not a pretty picture nor useful for a reporter/ interviewer. In other interviews when he is in better control of his own biases he can be excellent - and I enjoy his programs very much.