Honestly, for such a great company, this is a terrible game. The NPCs have zero flavor, and make the same repetitive movements game after game. The idea of having a different layout during the 4 “times” of day is neat, but poorly executed as very little changes. The game seems great at first with fun commentary, but within a couple hours, any half-decent gamer will be bored at the mediocre difficulty.
Whatever, there’s an option to invade other players and surely that would be fun? Yeah, if you can get in a match successfully, because most times you’ll either fail to join entirely, or be waiting there for 15 minutes. And when you finally join, the other players are either a fun match-up, or like most times, too dense to know they can turn off multiplayer so they hide in the spawn where they’re invincible until you leave. This hasn’t happened once, this is half the time you’ll attempt to invade.
Worst game I’ve played on ps5, worst game I’ve played by Bethesda, worst game I’ve played in years. Just generally boring, repetitive, poorly executed, and comes off as a cheap cash-grab that will let down anybody not paying $5 for it.
- from someone who has played countless games, achieved 8 platinum trophies (not too many, but enough to show skill), and enjoys every genre.