This is a kids show and doesnt pretend to parade as if its not but the show represents some things important in kids shows. It is entertaining and fun while at the same time not skimping on narrative design and story structure but it also fairly digestible. Each episode has clearly defined ideas and messages. The characters have purpose and reason of being and ard ritten as if they are people and not talking sock puppets that just recite lines an issue I've had with most kids shows that appeared in my formative years. The show has an air of intelegence to it which is something i found out while exploring the odd world of kids television and its implications on the formation of the adult mind. If you watch the show without the bias of 'its a kids show' you start to see little lessons in it and start to understand the parable like nature of the stories hidddn in the goofiness. This is true of most kids shows but not at the level that mighty med is at. Of course its not perfect. The dialogue and jokes dont always land and alot of the show is just goofy nonsense which is indicitive of the chanel it shows on (Watch Crash and Bernstein) but thats the packeging and sometimes messy packaging gets you canceled
Even through its flaws though it still presents something interesting and has amazing tales strewn about it and its stupidy sometimes makes it look beautiful. Its one of my favourite shows and its always interesting to pit things against it and measure how intelegent the show really is. I don't know maybe i am trog for enjoying a kids show as much as I do but, to me atleast, the show is very intersting and fun and deserves a chance