Gta online is a cash hungry monster where no matter how much time or effort you invest into it, they'll punish you for trying and expect you to fork out real world money instead to buy and upgrade and maintain the tools used to 'make money', even though theres so many ways to straight up lose out everything you tried to get. Even if everything goes perfectly, it will take literally DAYS of straight play time to earn back just what it cost to get these items in game, and then even longer to buy anything else in the game. Its designed to prey on those who just want to play for fun, and reward those who fork out macro transactions to seed their every-growing greed.
if GTA6 is anything like this piece of work, I hope to god the players wise up and dont give anything to companies that attempt these practices. games should not be a chore, or a job, or be this cash grubbing, especially if we have already paid full price for it.