This movie is depicted as a typical love story of some high school teenagers in the early 90's of Indonesia, and that's exactly what it is. However, what really makes this movie so popular in its local country is Iqbal's character that he plays "Dilan". This guy Dilan has a mildly unique personality because the way he talks and flirts is so quirky that would ABSOLUTELY melt the hearts of millions of Indonesian girls. I'll give a translated example of just one of his lines: "Milea, you're beautiful, but I have not loved you yet. I don't know maybe in the afternoon, but just wait." This may sound, I don't know bland in English, but the manner in which he says it in Indonesian would make any cewek (young woman) spontaneously fall in love, although it'd be a bit 'alay' (cheesey, tacky) to say it in real life nowadays lol. Some side characters were forgotten towards the end but I guess there is a sequel coming called "Dilan 1991" so maybe they'll be introduced again and entangle with the plot. Overall I give this conventional love story a 6.7/10.