honestly, i gotta say episode 8 of never have i ever was soooo sad! Devi is awesome girl and good friend to eleanor and fabola. She makes mistakes and thats okay because we are all human. Her headon and problematic make her so unique. I wish i was like that sometimes. Respect! Although i thoughtb Paxton was a jerk to her after they had steamt kiss, his personality and character developed a lot. It was all because of Devi. I am proud of paxton. He tried his best at academics even though people didnt think a good looking guy can be smart. You proved everyone paxton wrong! Congrats. I also thought he could pull off being Devis girlfriend in public. Paxton is much nicer than u thinl guys. And now devi and paxton are my otp couple. I wanna see more of them soon! Maybe in season 3?!!