The Girl in the Red Lipstick is a thought provoking and emotional novel written by Ajay K Pandey. The book is about a girl stuck in the life of red light area. So one day, she meets author Arun Kumar, who decides to help her get rid of the pain and suffering. They don't have a romantic bond, but he cares for her and lives with her. But why? What is the relation then?
Honestly, I absolutely loved reading the whole book. I mean, so beautifully he has woven the story full of pain, kindness, brutalities of the world, care and love. It taught me great lessons, one of them being, what we should never call a lady. The book talks about various societal problems and how it affects the people who are suffering. Society is quick to judge, but good deeds still go on. If you want to read something very refreshing and something that would mend your habits, make you more sensitive and make you think, grab this one asap.