I don't mean to be disrespectful to the actors and creators of this show as I k ow they would have put alot of blood sweet and tears into it but I am a 27 year old mother of 1, (she is 3 years old) and i would never in my wildest dream want her to ever see this show when she is older. I am no prude but this show actually made me sick to think that teenagers would watch this and actually think this behavior is normal. And if this behavior is normal for teenages these days God help us all! Not just the drugs but the sex! I actually had to turn it off 3/4 of the way through the first episode. Also as someone who has suffered with really bad panic attacks and aniexty I completely related to her feelings but teaching kids that illegal substances to treat yourself is so wrong. And with the amount of mental illness in this world now shouldn't we set a good example on how to handle mental illness. I know that the show wouldn't be purposely trying to say illegal drugs will help your aniexty but this show is aimed for teenagers who are so easily influenced! I also don't usually comment on things like this but this show really got to me. Sorry euphoria but I won't be watching you