This is a show that only the people with strong hearts can watch.
Initially you would feel its going good, for one episode you may feel it drag, but please bear with it. The very next episode will amaze you.
My reason for liking this series is not the idea. We have had several anime where 2 or more species are at war.
This series has depicted a very brutal reality of our ideology and beliefs as humans. You may feel it exaggerating, but no. In face of confusion and fear, we as humans do not act rationally. We act solely on the basis of emotion, or follow someone else. Whatever happens in episode 9 will break you. It will rip your soul into pieces, but only remember that these events have occurred in the past. If we as people were to be misguided with a false sense of safety, a hint of fear and a large helping of sweet lies, we as people will not fail to act as depicted here.
Please do watch!!!!