I watched GMA along time and I have never been so disgusted with them as I am now. The remark George made this morning about Nancy Pelosi came out now for President Biden to think about getting out. They just played her interview on the View and that is NOT what she said nothing but lies has been coming out of your show. The view showed trumps rally and he said he didn’t know what nato was and ranted on about a lot of insane garbage and your show doesn’t say one word about trump’s insanity. If you’re going to look at President Biden under a microscope you better get a really big microscope fo trump. Your rating is very low for a morning show. The young people should know if they don’t vote for BIDEN especially the girls they are going to have someone telling them they have no control over there bodies why aren’t you telling them that. Why did you never tell your audience everything President Biden did for us. He did more than any President in the history of our country. I believe if President Biden believes he can still do more than we should stand behind him. Your show is on a path to destroy America but then again your show will have a lot to talk about everyday. Start showing trumps rallies and let the people see for themselves how stupid they are. The people are a lot smarter than you give them credit for it’s there lives they have to worry about. You show should watch the View and learn what the truth is before you go on air.