The original show was amazing 👏 I rewatched it 4 times but the remake is awful. In the original show the had great clothes that weren't a joke. The had a real friendship unlike the remake. They basically took everything that made winx club winx club. WELL the show runner was in charge of vampire diary. Even though they basically ruined the show. They took out one of the main characters techna and made it really edgy,and they changed worlds into "realms". Another thing the friendships aren't genuine, aisha basically acts like a mother and when she has a problem No one cares.
I hate this remake take it off the internet.
I hate the remake burn it.
Watch the original.
By the way why did the change her into a changeling???
What about blooms world domino???
What about the trix and the 3 old witches
And the witches school. Why are they mean to flora what about Brandon Stella's boy friend why did they make bloom and stella fight over sky??!