So.. Cross Your Heart, Take My Name - It's all about some lies. We all are living with some fake and false identities. When we met someone in our real life we create an instance with him or her, maybe a new story but we can't leave our previous stories or identities and that causes a single person with different identities. In medical term it is called Dissociative Personality Disorders. If you can really look around, you will definitely observe that the people who has extramarital affairs, are suffering from this disease but here the story is different or far twisted and contains some dark plots. Here the Hero Garv Roy Gill has a rare disease called Prosopagnosia and he meets a girl Yavi and she dies with lots of secrets and here Garv's wife Nihira plays a good game with the characteristics of Dissociative Personality Disorders. I will not going to tell you the whole story. Go! Buy the Book! Support Novo da ❤️
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