This show manages to be a sequel worst than Boruto. Inuyasha was an anime/manga very dear to me and I've watched/read it since my teenage years. It saddens me a lot how much this sequel spoiled the original series, how apparent that it is a product of greed and that there was no care in its production.
The series completely ignores important plot points in the previous installments, has terrible and inconsistent animation quality, treats beloved characters from the og series with indifference or right away removes them and the narrative is weak and uninteresting, lacking the emotion and excitement and the atmosphere we had before. The iconic team is hardly present and mostly appears in flashbacks and their characterization is completely different from the canon. To have an idea, Sango and Kagome were reduced to passive wives, they were literally introduced as wives of Miroku and Inuyasha instead of characters of their own (but this is just a pinch of the misogyny in this series). Even what were supposed to be the main characters, the daughters of the main cast, are hardly present and instead become plot devices for the story of Miroku, Sesshoumaru and the villains to move on the narrative.
Talking about Sesshoumaru, his character is completely rotten in this anime. His development from a insensitive, human hater to a protective, more mature and understanding yokai is completely put in the trash. All that growth we’ve seen before was for nothing as he became even more hateful and careless and his actions are pointless and nonsensical from a character and narrative standpoint. But worst of all, HNY turned Sesshoumaru from a father figure to Rin into a pedophile and child groomer. It was seen from the previous stories that while Rin stayed in the village with humans, which was important for her character to have her learn to trust humanity again, she received gifts from the dog yokai - something that seemed innocent but considering the current events is predatory. Now we know that Rin was 14 year old when she became pregnant with Sesshoumaru's twins and 15 when she give birth. 14 year old, she was just a young teen, she couldn't consent and didn't even have the opportunity to enjoy her young life, as she was soon put into a vegetative state. It gives their relationship a more tragic and horrific light, as it implies that her caretaker molded her to his likes and desires while she was with him to approach her sexually as soon as she was "grown enough". Sesshoumaru didn't even let Rin care for the daughters, taking them and abandoning them in a forest, nor offered help or a word to his child lover post labour. It is disgusting in so many levels i feel nauseated just thinking about it. Before anyone tries to say it was normal back then - no it was not, she was a teenager so it was a dangerous pregnancy for both her and the baby, this is a fictional series made in the 21st century, not a documentary, and to assume a whole culture is okay with pedophilia is extremely racist.
I tried to see good things in this series. I liked the character of Moroha, she was fun and had potential - too bad she almost never appears. After seen HNY, I can't support sunrise and Rumiko anymore and won't purchase more of their works. Bad story and bad characters are terrible enough but we can handle. Normalization and validation of child grooming and pedophilia should never occur, much less be depicted as romantic or acceptable, specially when you consider the age rating. Disgusting.