A thoughtful, beautiful and heart-wrenching tale in which the main character, Julie, goes through a range of emotions and associated behavioural and life changes as she tries to come to terms with losing her husband and daughter in a road accident.
The film's plot is somewhat subtle and slow for a while, with clues revealed which can be assumed as relevant or red herrings, until more is revealed later.
The film is interesting as it explores how simple twists of fate have enormous consequences on one's emotions, and how different one's life and ability to cope can be, simply depending on what is known and not known.
Juliette Binoche is soul-meltingly attractive in this, and as usual, gives a fantastic performance. All the cast are highly convincing and come together to create a story that gets more absorbing the longer the film goes on. In particular, Benoît Régent, who plays Olivier, is excellent.
Yet another brilliant French film, this time with commendable input from Polish direction and production. Superb.