The game is graphically brilliant, with a mix of very apparent influences, the most obvious being Dead Space. Also, with regard to the character's telekinetic powers, a small nod to "PSI OPS-The Mindgate Conspiracy."
While TCP is overly harsh in some spots, many save spots exist throughout.
Depending on the player's skill, this can be good or bad. We all know what getting stuck at a save point with low health and little ammo can be like, especially before a boss battle.
However, experienced players will find themselves getting from point A to point B with just enough to get them ready for the next round of monsters, maybe extra if they're good.
Avoid spending nearly $70.00 on the game and play it on Game Pass instead. Or wait until Steam goes bargain bin on it.
It's not a great game, but it's no slouch either. Also, if the game's creators put this much effort into their next game, and just a BIT more time in the oven, it's going to be REALLY intense!