If someone had told me that in the future I would love a show that's called my little pony friendship is magic, I would have said now way. That show sounds like it's for girls. Now freaking chance I would enjoy that bs. However, I kept seeing the show pop up a few times whether it be reactions to some of the episodes namely wonderbolts academy, or watchmojo putting it on a list of theirs. The first time I have ever saw this show fully was from season 5. It's weird, but surprisingly I loved it. I have no idea why though. Before this, I used to watch shows like yugioh or dragon ball z kai on toonzai. I used to think those were of some of my favorite shows of all time. But suddenly, fim has crossed into my life now. I can't help it I love this show. From the fantastic voice acting and animation, to the relatable and funny characters, to the catchy fun and memorable songs, to the amazing humor and the guest appreances. Not to mention this show can get pretty damn dark when it wants to. This is without a doubt a must watch if you wanna see a girls show that's not too girly at all.