This is the worst of all the films. The animation was beautiful and the characters introduced were great additions to the film. However, it REALLY falls short in my opinion. The opening tells a great story missing from the other films and eventually ties into a good story that brings things together in a pretty good way. Everything else was terrible sadly. I so badly want to know where things went wrong during writing. The Forky arc ruins most of the film as it takes away from the story that people were actually interested in. The opening montage even changes some of the established canon. People notice a retcon when they see it. I seriously feel as if they had a particular story they wanted to tell but fell very short of doing so. Ive loved all the films until this point and was so disappointed how this one turned out. Its a film id honestly would have rather not been made if i knew this is how it was going to turn out. So i guess the overall point is the first 10 minutes, Key and Peele, Keanu Reeves and the last 10 minutes (minus anything to do with Forky) are the only good parts of the movie. I just honestly feel like this film did a complete disservice to the people who've invested in the franchise. Visibly stunning and certain actors really sell the movie. Loved the return of Bo and how her character evolved and that's about it. If that's all that mattered id give the film at least a 3 star rating. Considering its not the best i could do is 2 but as sad as it is I give it a 1 because i honestly don't see myself wanting to ever watch it again. My 3 year old didn't even seem to enjoy it and i thought he loved everything Toy Story. It was almost entirely the Forky arc he seems to hate. Its a bad character even to him and I made sure to shield him completely from my feelings on it so not to discourage him. But he'd honestly rather watch 1-3 then start back at 1. Its almost as if he doesn't recognize it as a Toy Story. I don't blame him.