The biggest problem I have with this show is its lighting.
When a character is developed - the writer cannot make a character all good or all bad or the viewer will become bored and uninvolved.
Ozark has taught me the same thing is true about lighting. Used to develop, saturate or invoke mood - lightning is an essential piece of the viewed narrative.
In Ozark the need to invoke gloom and doom, hopelessness and darkness in which characters live - via the dark/Smokey/shaded lighting - is so overdone as to be overwrought. Even day light scenes are heavily shadowed to the point that they may as well be night views.
Episode after episode of feeling what it must be like to live as a mole via Ozark’s lighting - has become redundant, overrides certain key aspects of the story line and has simply lost its impact as silent metaphor within the story.
Give the viewer a break, an alternate view, a change of texture and lift the lighting once in a while - turn on a light - show us a patch of blue sky - just for variety.