The adaptation is very good, I think. They've added a good deal of drama and detail, which would be needed however it was done. They've changed a few things slightly, and added some story lines, but they're not against Asimov's books, they just don't appear there. Some ideas are brought into the chronology from later books. Lots of tropes from Star Wars and even Contact, which I liked. The look is quite Star Wars-y in fact which makes the galaxy appear familiar, and fair enough given how much George Lucas borrowed from Foundation in the first place.
One for we fans and sci-fi dedicatees, though I'm not sure my wife will watch the whole series with me.
Definitely need to give it time and see where they take Asimov's epic stories next.
PS I got fed up with Game of Thrones, too much senseless violence and plot churning. When did these people ever do any work, they were fighting so much!