What have you done to , Dylan Dreyer She is adorable And Someone at NBC had decided to Change her Look. Well her hair Looks Like , well frankly , awful !!!!!!!!!! This Morning, it’s even Darker !!! Not her best look. So for every one that thinks , we All should look like another nationality , YOU ARE WRONG ! We where Born individuals , Every body was different ! But now trying , to lump all together is Wrong !!! Iv seen so much Change with your Company, No, Respect , for Our Country , And even if we disagree , my Father taught me we were supposed to respect ,the President of the United States , no matter what our view was ! My Father , was Born in 1904 in Indian territory , now Oklahoma! So Very Sad , so many values we cherished have changed ! So I say to you ,at NBC What makes you as a Company, be so Hard , so unkind to so Many ? Let People still , be who they are , with out Change to fit your Normal ! That’s what has Made us a Wonderful Country, All of our Diversity !!!!