The show is interesting but I feel like the writers have a sadistic streak. It is very stressful to watch this show most times & I Mean stressful not suspenseful.
Does everyone’s life have to always be in turmoil? It would have been nice to Allow Searra to remember Ben after all this agonizing time of trying to find her.
It would be nice to have a beautiful romance thriving with a young couple instead of just the old couples like John & Msrlena & Kate & Jake etc.
It is too stressful with everyone’s life messed up constantly. I stopped watching for a long time because of that & came back, I ‘m about to stop watching again because it’s just too messy & too stressful & sad. Not enjoyable at all. You could at least let Ben & Sierra have a loving reunion there’s enough other messed up stuff going on with to keep it suspenseful.
Please give us a break you are causing my blood pressure to go up. I am gonna have to stop watching because it’s not enjoyable. There has to be at least one young happy couple at least for a little while.