I was appalled by officer Robert's language he used as a training officer. Season#1Episode#5. Making reference 2 "being Retarded" if they don't have the right tools 2 do their job. Some people would say that is politically incorrect 2 reference 2 a person's disability with such a negative label. If the police want respect show some respect 4 people who have disabilities whether it's mentally or physically, Visable or invisible . We're all human Let's treat 1 another better n we might c a change in people's attitudes all around!! Let's also stop all the violence people!! The wall isn't going 2 stop violence we need 2 focus on people running around with automatic assault rifles n weapons that r not neccessary 2 own unless ur military. 2 many guns r being sold daily in this country. Yes we all have rights but some people who have been given the right 2 own a gun r just not mentally stable enough 2 own 1. Maybe before people r given the right 2 purchase a gun should b evaluated by a psychiatrist . Or maybe pass a test. We all had 2 take a written n physical test 2 get a driver's license. Let's fix the gun problem 1st cuz a wall doesn't stop violence in this country. Our own government controls the flow of drugs in this country. It's political n drugs r currency 2 the government. Watch the documentary on the History channel called the war on drugs!! U will get a different understanding of what is really going on!!