I was so upset today when Chuck Todd was a wet noodle and let Rand Paul make his argument that " all presidents do it", that Hillary Clinton -whether true or not-had something to do with the Steel dossier and that was equitable, and he hemmed and hawed and seemed to accept that what was being said was true!
And that guy who was totally supporting Trump and stated that he was great friend of Pompeo and that his son works for him-why in the world was he on! He wants to please the boss of his son! And I am sure he did!
It's so simple-Comgress passed $400 million dollars worth of aide to help an ally fight a war being waged against them and the President said I won't give it to you unless you give me information to help my personal need. It's not what anybody else did, it is about what this one man did and there are bodies of facts that support he did it. And Chuck Todd should have told him that--Russert would have!